Trying To Brew Gyokuro Correctly

This tea has been intimidating me for months. I bought it at Miro Tea in Seattle over the summer, and I’ve been too scared to brew it … why?

The unique steeping instructions. Miro recommends brewing at 150 degrees (f) for 1.5 minutes. A very low temperature, and something I had to try and guestimate with a standard electric kettle (no thermometer). I thought such a low temperature implied a very delicate/special tea that I didn’t want to ruin.

I used my gong fu style pot to brew it. The first round I went for 1.5 minutes but accidentally left it for 2. Dare I say it came out tasting perfect, grassy, sweet, full of flavor, full bodied, no bitterness, a little algae-like note. It instantly became one of my favorites. For subsequent brews I went for 2.5 mints then 3 mins, then 3.5 mins at a little higher temperature. So that’s 4 different brews from 1 set of leaves!

Other notes: It left some tiny green leaf particles in my cup, so next time I might brew it and then pass it through a strainer. The flavor reminds me of going to a sushi restaurant for lunch and ordering a green tea. Very nostalgic and comforting.

Image of the tea leaves after 4 steeps.


Not my kind of oolong for now